Dedicated to my teachers
You asked me to help all
Never told, know body else will help me.
You asked me to trust my firends
Never told my trust will get broken
You asked me to be kind and humble
Never told me, people might take it as my weakness
You asked me to do my best
Never told I will be criticised
You asked me to be bold
Never told me pople dont accept leaders
You told me to be there for every ones sake
Never told me I might be used
You asked me to be a shoulder to the desparate
Never told me how to cry alone
You asked me to be good
Never told me no one else will be
You asked me to be strong
Never told me the extent of courage required
You asked me to love my fellow friends
Never told me I will be the only one doing it
You asked me to spread peace
Never told me what I should do when I see a fight
You said all nations are to be loved
Never told me bombs will blast
You said all races are one
Never told me how to handle racism
You said truth always wins
Never told me this always is doubtful
But still I will do what you asked me to
Because I know
One day I have to change this world…
Aritra Chakraborty; Class – X.A