‘He who works with his hands is a labourer.
He who works with his handa and head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands, head and heart is an artist.’
The Primary Department of J.H.Tarapore School had organized their Annual Craft Exhibition ‘CRAFFITI’ on 13th January, 2020. Mrs. Rubina Bodhanwala, Managing Trustee, Tarapore Schools was the chief guest for this event.
The Art Club showcased their talent with the exotic display of paintings, handicrafts, items, some of which were sold for charity.
This exhibition provided a platform to the students to enhance their artistic ability and fine motor skills. It also gave a boost to their self esteem and promoted innovation and creativity.
Art and Craft plays an important role in building team spirit, confidence and helps to respect each others’ views.
China Town by Std. III showed a marvelous display of the ‘Great Wall of China’, ‘The Grand Dragon’, its Flora and Fauna and the Chinese culture.
The wonderful land of Brazil by the Std. IV students portrayed the famous carnival, the popular soccer sport and its artifacts. The Amazon Basin and attempts to conserve it, was expressed in the form of a spectacular model.
The display of African paintings, personalities and handicraft items by the students of Std. V was an eye opener of the unique culture of the people of the land.
The Junior Primary sections put in their efforts through their amazing display of ‘Life under water’ and the beautiful ‘Animal Kingdom’. Messages on how to conserve animals was witnessed throughout their creations.
The creativity of the students left the audience spellbound.

The Dedicated Team of J. H. Tarapore School