IDS ACTIVITY (2021-22) Std IX & XI


As part of the IDS activity, the students of Std IX & XI were given a topic on Water Conservation, ‘ Every Drop Counts’.
The students made models, PPTs and wrote articles to depict their research work.
The greater countries in these activities were India, Israel, Greece and Saudi Arabia. Through their models and PPTs they showed various methods of irrigation, both ancient and modern, that encouraged water conservation. These methods included Drip Irrigation, Furrow Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation and Desalinisation. Articles to show a comparative study of Indian methods with the partner countries were written by the students. After the completion of the activities, the students were given worksheets to see how well they had comprehended the information.
These activities encouraged the students to gather information about partner countries and in the process gave them valuable lessons on the importance of water conservation. The activity was a fair way to sensitize them about various environmental concerns.