Convergence 2021

J. H. Tarapore School celebrated Virtual Convergence, 2021 on the 31st July, Saturday. The Chief Guest for the event Mrs. Rubina Bodhanwala, Managing Trustee Tarapore Schools inaugurated the function. Convergence is a forum that gives all an opportunity to know, interact and make new friends with students of other schools. It is a non-competitive, fun-filled and innovative learning workshop;  The theme of the day was ‘International Year of Fruits and Vegetables’

Convergence reflects the flawless efforts of teachers and students, who, with their dedication and hard work make a difference; these students and teachers go beyond the ordinary and make the day happening, joyful and full of enthusiasm.    

This year 18 schools participated in the event. The students were segregated into different categories, with innovative names of fruits and vegetables such as – Okra, Paprika, Bell Peppers, Cilantro, Cherry Tomatoes, Zucchini, Dragon Fruit, Asparagus, Kiwi, Broccoli & Gooseberry. There were a total of four sessions throughout the day, where children could showcase their creative and cookery skills; Of course, any event is incomplete without dance and music, so to end the day children danced Zumba to the tune of “My Dream is to Fly over the Rainbow, So High”.

The children were felicitated as follows:

  • The E- enthusiasts – OKRA
  • The Bright Spirits – PAPRIKA
  • The Creative Champions – BELL PEPPERS
  • The Innovative Wizards – CILANTRO
  • The Team with synergy effect – CHERRY TOMATOES
  • The motivators – ZUCCHINI
  • The Courteous Communicators – DRAGON FRUIT

Session-wise Winners:

  • From Unknown to the Known (Badge Making)– ASPARAGUS
  • Yum Time (Cooking) –BROCCOLI
  • Happy Strings (Friendship Band making) –KIWI
  • Tap in Style (Zumba) -GOOSEBERRY