As Chairman of J.H.Tarapore School.I am delighted to welcome you to the website of this dynamic institution.
J.H.Tarapore is a school which moulds the future of thousands of children.
While academic progress is clearly the main purpose of the school,we also encourage all our pupils to develop a wide range of additional interests. Substantial stress is laid in inculcating good values and good habits. read more...

It gives me immense pleasure to pen a few thoughts on our school website. It was just the other day in 2002, when we started school, and today the school has grown from strength to strength. Our aim was to make this school 'a School with a difference', and I think, in this short span of 12 years, we have made a mark in this town.
We have always stressed on instilling values in our students. What do I mean by values?..... I mean values like the ‘H ‘ values of honesty, humility, and hard work, the L values of loving, listening and learning, the C values of compassion, courage and change and the G values of God loving, gratitude and gentleness. read more...

Greetings to all the stakeholders of J.H.Tarapore School! In the backdrop of, the country having gone through a major change of the ruling Government, the changing world of shifting values, the tremendous development of technology with its boon and bane effect , the ever increasing generation gap, J.H.Tarapore School has stepped into its thirteenth year of existence.
‘J.H. Tarapore school- A school with a difference’ ,the dream project of Mr Bailey Bodhanwala & Mrs Rubina Bodhanwala is what it is today, because of the unstinted support of all our stakeholders. read more...